Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I've never had a calling to be something other than the feeling I have to run away from everything.
And these days it's getting harder to get my shit together and not leave everyone behind with their thoughts to haunt them. And I wouldn't even care, I'd look for the most beautiful thing I can see and I would want to die in that moment. This feeling surpasses everything and I can't even get it in to words properly. It may make me irresponsible, but I need to be what I mean to be.

Perhaps, I like that word. So perhaps, it's one of those days. Or perhaps it's the winter.

1 comment:

locco said...

to become human and gain peace of mind, one have to stop being at all and leave everything behind. only then will be born again


The wind sings alone for the martyr
A man against the age
Many called but few are chosen
Twice born into the gaze

Challenging man made illusion
The truth against the world
Men go to graves with their truth
Still the sun will rise

Surrender mind to the mystery
The seen and the unseen
Sever head from their disgrace
Religions founded and undone